Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Custom Rugs, Online - That’s a New One!

Custom Rugs, Online - That’s a New One!

Some say that you should follow your passion into business. Others say not — it’ll ruin the thing you love. Still others say that your business should solve a problem you’ve experienced yourself. That’s countered by those who say your problems are not necessarily anyone else’s. So which is it?

Our guest chose to go with online custom rugs. That’s a new one on us. She says there is a scalable business there. Who are we to say otherwise?

Regardless, in that choice lies a Solomonic solution to the question of the ages. The Boston-based startup, Boundless, not only solves a problem of its founder, Maddy Karolian, had in furnishing a new house. It’s also an outlet for her passion for business.

What were Boundless’s failures, you ask? After all, that is the point of this podcast. Maddy will tell you that her trial product line was a failure. We’d call it market testing. But, hey, who are we to judge?

Never mind all that and join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion of the custom rug business. If you’re like us, you’ll learn about an online business you might never have imagined. But, on the other hand, who would have thought there was money to be made online in shoes, pre-packaged meds, or you name it…..

The Poetry of Failure

The Poetry of Failure

What, No Sharks?

What, No Sharks?